Welcome to the
Board Self-Assessment Tool (BSAT)

An easy to use self-assessment tool

The OODP Board Self-Assessment Tool has been developed to support and improve governance practice for the AIDS service organization (ASO) sector in Ontario. The objective of this resource is to provide an easy to use, practical process and tool that can be used by the Board to conduct a self-assessment and identify improvements to strengthen the Board and the overall functioning of the organization.

Once the Tool has been completed, the results can offer an impression of the overall effectiveness of the Board and provide an opportunity for the Board and Executive Director to step back and reflect on how well the Board is functioning. Importantly, the results should be used to encourage dialogue – refresh the Board’s understanding of its role and responsibilities, stimulate questions that need to be asked, identify areas of practice that may need attention, and draw out suggestions for improvement.

The survey is designed to be an easy to use self-assessment tool at a “group performance” level to generate discussion. The Tool is highly adaptable and ASO’s should feel free to make changes to it for their own use.

The process

3 steps to success

The process below outlines how a Board might approach the self-assessment work by completing the survey, section by section, all at one time.  Boards can also choose to do different sections at different times until the assessment has been completed.  Feel free to determine a process that works best for your unique Board.  What is most important is that on an annual basis, the Board comprehensively assesses its performance.


The Executive Committee or designated Board Committee meets to determine the scope and process for the Board self-assessment.  This includes timelines, individuals to be involved and roles.  Ideally the process should be initiated 3 to 4 months prior to the AGM.


Individual Board members and the Executive Director complete the Tool. A summary report of the consolidated responses is prepared and distributed to the Board and the Executive Director.

Board self-assessment can be done at any time of the year and should be put on the Board’s annual work plan. It may be best not to schedule it at the same time of the year that the Board is conducting an evaluation of the Executive Director or preparing for the AGM.


Results are discussed and opportunities and areas for improvement are identified.  Board priorities are chosen and any activities required to achieve them are added to relevant work and operational plans.

Let's Get started

The information you provide is confidential to your agency and the OODP. It will not be shared with the Funder and will not impact the funding you receive. All data is stored on servers within Canada. The data collected may be aggregated (summarized) for reporting purposes by the OODP. In such situations, the data will not contain the names of organizations/programs or identify an individual agency’s specific responses. If the OODP is supporting an agency with implementing the Board Self-Assessment Tool, the OODP will identify the agency’s specific responses as a part of the consult.

As you go through the assessment, your responses will automatically be saved. You can stop your assessment and continue at another time.

How best to use this tool

This Tool is designed to be used for an annual Board evaluation.  It is best to be completed by current Board members before an upcoming AGM.  It seeks to help a Board answer the questions: what are we doing well and what can we do better?   Using this Tool to answer these questions enables Board members to confidently say that they are acting in the best interest of the organization – a key governance requirement that OODP governance resources focus on.


OODP Consulting Support available upon request

  • Strategic Plan development support
  • Operational Plan development and support
  • Board Chair Coaching
  • Board Governance workshop
  • Board workplan and development session(s)
  • Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) workshop
  • Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression (ARAO) workshop
  • Provide telephone support to the Nominations Committee
  • Facilitate meeting(s) of the Nomination Committee
  • Organizational Self-Assessment Tool (OSAT)
  • OSAT Implementation Plan development session(s)